Tuesday 30 January 2007

Monday, Monday, (ba-da ba-da-da-da)

Monday. It comes round, regular as clockwork doesn't it? It seems like only a week since the last one and here we are again.

Busy day again at TFP HQ. I had an interesting, top secret meeting in the morning which was very informative (more soon) followed by a delicious lunch with the lovely Rosalia from Graphicom.

It's no secret that 4-colour printing is generally pretty expensive and most publishers look to print overseas to reduce their cost, traditionally looking to the Far East. The trouble with printing in the Far East (apart from the fact that some printers veto books on sex as we found out to our cost) is that you need to allow so long for shipping. However, an alternative is to print in Europe, where the shipping times are more reasonable (unless you print in August when all the lucky sods are on holiday) and the prices are extremely competitive. Rosalia, from the Verona-based Graphicom takes a far more liberal approach to the 'S' word and did a fantastic job for us withGet Dead so lunch was an opportunity to discuss Get Dead's sister book, Get Sex, due for publication in February 2008.

So lunch was very useful from a print placement point of view but there's no denying that in short, Heather and I spent an enjoyable hour or so eating delicious food and discussing sex and Italian men before heading back to the office and sobering up. Sometimes this job doesn't seem so bad after all.

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